It seems that Covid-19 has taken over our lives. It’s all we hear about anymore and it can be difficult to remember our lifestyle before it. It’s become especially difficult after Governor Brad Little announced the 3 week mandatory stay at home policy. So, we thought with all the hecticness occurring and everyone’s lives being flipped upside down we would focus on how to stay positive through these hard times. Here is a list of things to do to contradict the effects of Covid-19:
Most important, focus on what you can control! Life has gotten hectic and it may seem that things are getting out of control, but they aren’t and these are things you can’t control. There is no need to worry yourself about things that you have no power to change. So, focus on what you can change! If something is bothering you and you can do something about it, who’s stopping you? It is tough having to stay at home and be cooped up, but think about things you’ve always wanted to change, maybe it’s a bad habit, or the way you speak to someone, now is the time to really focus on it and make the change you want.
As well, think about things differently. Don’t think about it as being trapped at home, instead take it as a learning experience. You aren’t stuck at home with the kids, instead you get to spend more time with them and create a stronger bond. You don’t have to work at home, instead you are learning new ways of pushing your working abilities for future use. Sometimes the biggest mood changer can be your own perspective.
One of the best things to do is to take a break! We don’t mean lay in bed all day and do nothing. If you unplug for even an hour a day, you’ll find your mood becomes so much better. Things don’t seem as catastrophic as before. It’s great to stay informed and up-to-date, but at the same time too much can be daunting and make you feel utterly helpless.
Take this time to take care of yourself! Focus on strengthening your body, mind, and spirit! Start a new workout plan, or at least figure out your own home workout plan. Try new recipes. Learn a new instrument, draw in a coloring book, do whatever you want! This is one of the best times to learn something new about yourself. (Plus learning a cool new trick is a great conversation starter for when you can see your friends again.)
Being stuck at home puts everyone in a slump, having no motivation is tough, but it is overcomable! The best remedy is to make a small list of unambiguous tasks. What HAS to be done today? What are things you can work on that won’t overwhelm you? Make a list, but make it doable. Organize what has to be done and prioritize it, and if you’re going to add things you can do, don’t feel bad if they aren’ done. Again, focus on what you can change.

Finally, social distancing does not mean social isolation. Just because we are stuck at home doesn’t mean we are completely isolated and cut off from one another. Make phone calls, video chat, FaceBook live, basically interact with each other however you can. Musicians have taken full advantage of this opportunity and have been doing online concerts! Artists and trainers are doing live interactive shows teaching you how to paint or new workout routines. Even though we have to keep our distance physically, that doesn’t mean we can’t still be with one another.
Overall, it’s been a tough time and it seems like it’s gonna last a while, but together we can get through this. Check out this article to help get you started: Something Other Than COVID-19