Totally Boise Blog


Boise’s Busiest Restaurant Street Expands For More Patio Seating

Last updated June 05, 2020 by Tessa Bishop

Boise’s busiest street of restaurants has begun expanding the street to open up more patio seating for the local restaurants. Development began Thursday, June 4th.

From Main Street to Idaho Street the City of Boise is opening up 8th Street to allow restaurants extra seating in support of following social distancing standards. 8th Street will now be closed to cars beginning at 11 AM, after drivers make their necessary deliveries, opening space for visitors looking to dine-in downtown.

From Main Street to Idaho Street the City of Boise is opening up 8th Street to allow restaurants extra seating in support of following social distancing standards. 8th Street will now be closed to cars beginning at 11 AM, after drivers make their necessary deliveries, opening space for visitors looking to dine-in downtown.

The idea came as the Idaho Rebounds Plan allowed for Idaho businesses to begin opening, helping restaurants follow the guidelines of the CDC and social distancing. The City of Boise and Mayor McLean approved the initiative back in May.

McLean announced the exciting news, saying “I’m excited to see where this innovative solution takes us. We know we will pull through this together to become a stronger and more vibrant community as we jointly create a 21st century Boise for everyone.”

Important changes that will be coinciding with the new strategy:

  • A minimum 20-foot lane will remain open to provide the fire department access
  • Bike and pedestrian access will still be available, signage will give details.
  • Parking and sidewalk routes have been modified

McLean said the city is open to putting similar solutions in place in other neighborhoods outside of downtown as well. In typical Boise fashion, the community has come together to ensure our local small business infrastructure is able to excel given our current climate.




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