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Archive by category: Boise EventsReturn
After a year of the coronavirus takeover, we've seen an economic downturn and shift in the life we previously experienced in downtown Boise.In efforts to revitalize downtown Boise and help struggling restaurants and musicians, a business coalition has been formed. The Boise Revival Project intends to restore life downtown inviting friends and neighbors to enjoy live music at some of our favorite venues and businesses.Paralleling to the Roaring 20's, Boise Revival Project is on a mission ...
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The fundraising team, The Nowhere Men, is set to present the "Heartstrings" virtual benefit concert for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Friday, May 28, 2021. Fighting the fight against cancer, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society aims to cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease, and myeloma — but they can't do it alone.Heartstrings are bringing nine musicians together for the free virtual concert, including Boise's MYLO BYBEE. A trio band consists of two brothers and...
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The pandemic has been a stressor on many families, businesses, and even nonprofit organizations. Recognizing the increased need for support, local nonprofit center Idaho Gives is extending its week-long efforts from April 29th to May 6th.Idaho Gives Highlights Local Nonprofit OrganizationsIdaho Gives is a resource for all Idaho nonprofits, an easy way to search and support local nonprofits of your choice. During Idaho Gives Week, the platform encourages donations to organizations and hosts prize...
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The average American produces around 2,072 pounds of trash per year — that's almost the weight of a compact car. In an effort to reduce waste, The City of Meridian and Republic Services will host its Trash or Treasure event May 1-2nd.
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Since 1956, the Parade of Homes has been an annual tradition during Spring and Fall. What is the Parade of Homes? A showcase of home designs in new construction by some of the Building Contractors Association builders. Homes showcased during the Parade of Homes are based on the "Tradition of Building Excellence."
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The Experience Idaho Expo is geared towards everything local — outdoor adventure, music, craft beer, local artists, boats and Rv's, and over 100 Idaho companies.Scheduled for Saturday, June 5th, the all-day event comes with FREE admission allowing guests the opportunity to support their favorite local vendors.Support Local Idaho Art, Brands & BusinessesSome local Idaho favorite businesses like Vertical View Climbing Gym and Section 37 Axe Room will be in attendance along with hundr...
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It seems we’re all a little eager to celebrate the next holiday, Saint Patrick’s Day! Being that St. Paddy’s is on Wednesday the 17th, many events happening around town will be going on the weekend prior, while many others will be happening the following weekend. So, here’s to a week full of celebrating St. Patrick’s Day!
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Zoo Boise, a division of Boise Parks and Recreation, announced the birth of a baby anteater. The proud parents Gloria and McCauley welcomed the pup into the world on December 23, 2020. Zoo Boise’s staff is pleased with how well Gloria is caring for her baby.
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Totally Boise Gathers 18 Local Coffee Shops across the Treasure Valley to Participate in a one day $2 Drink Special for Health Care Workers. Friday, January 15, 2020, 17 local coffee shops have come together to honor our local healthcare providers and caregivers. Each coffee shop is offering $2 16 oz. coffee and tea drinks all day long for healthcare professionals who show a badge upon ordering.
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As 2020 quickly comes to an end (and thank goodness for many of us), there are still many fun activities for families to enjoy, such as Christmas lights! Here are spots in Boise to see some amazing Christmas lights before the holidays end!
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Typically during the holiday season, pictures with Santa can be a long and tiring day. Due to COVID-19, pictures with Santa may actually be a lot less stressful and time-consuming than previously. WIth social distance guidelines in place, many Santa locations are offering contactless pictures and virtual visits with Santa by appointment.
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For 56 years, McCall Winter Carnival has been a fan favorite. The small town of McCall made up of 3,000 typically welcomes a surge of more than 60,000 during the 10-day festival. This year, things might look a little different with COVID, but that doesn’t mean the Winter festival won’t continue.
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And this year’s best Halloween costume award goes to 2020. As Halloween quickly approaches this year, many aren’t sure what is still safe and fun to do. The good thing is the Treasure Valley businesses have prepared for a bunch of festive events that allow you to have a good time with friends and family while remaining socially distanced and careful.
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As the leaves start to change and fall begins, new activities arise! Due to COVID-19, some activities have been postponed, moved to a virtual platform, or have had social distancing requirements, but that won’t stop us from enjoying everything we love about fall in the Treasure Valley. Kick-off the fall 2020 season with these 6-fun fall activities.
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In the year 2020, we have seen a substantial shift in how events are held due to COVID-19. Even though many events have been canceled, others have gone virtual. Celebrating 28 years for the benefit of furry four-legged friends, See Spot Walk is joining the list of events that have gone virtual!
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