Totally Boise Blog


Boise OG Shares Their Knowledge On Some of Boise’s Most Iconic Cultural History

Last updated December 01, 2021 by Mariah Hebbeln

Boise may be an up-and-coming town, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have a wealth of cultural history that dates back to well before the population boom of the last two decades. Boise OG, a locally owned and operated sibling duo company, specializes in the creation of merchandise that captures the hilarity of what makes Boise so special.

Their designs have showcased Boise businesses that have come and gone, bits of Boise trivia, and catchphrases or shared experiences that anyone who’s lived here for a while would understand.

Keep reading to learn more about some of Boise’s most iconic cultural history and the reasons why some of us know it so well. Approach some of this content with the knowledge that some of our histories have hilarious and sometimes adult origins.

Local Merch by Boise OG | 2021 Totally Boise Winter Mag Recommends
Local Merch by Boise OG | 2021 Totally Boise Winter Mag Recommends
Local Merch by Boise OG | 2021 Totally Boise Winter Mag Recommends

I Shot The Tube

Only some of the most seasoned and longtime residents of Boise will understand this one, and for safety reasons, Kelly Knopp, the graphic designer behind Boise OG, can’t share the specifics on how to “shoot the tube”.

Kelly shared “I can say it's awesome, a bit scary and a horrible idea to boot. So, don't do it (there, now you cannot sue us) stick to the rivers and the streams that you're used to - TLC”

That being said, the design that he created gives you a hint at what exactly goes into “shooting the tube”.

Local Merch by Boise OG | 2021 Totally Boise Winter Mag Recommends
Image Credit: Boise OG

Borah High Cockroaches

If you’re a Borah High School alum like myself, you know the rumor of the school being utterly infested with those creepy crawly bugs, the cockroach. Though many of us really rarely ever saw them, it was a fun school rumor that was handed down for ages.

In his own research, Kelly found that there is some truth to this rumor. At one point, a colony of cockroaches was found and they did their best to eradicate them. To fully rid the school of the creepy crawlies, the walls would have to be torn out, and with the walls still being filled with asbestos, the school decided that it was better for the budget to let the students, staff, and cockroaches learn alongside one another.

So to find the humor in the less than comforting situation, Boise OG is poking fun and made the cockroaches a basketball league of their own.

Local Merch by Boise OG | 2021 Totally Boise Winter Mag Recommends
Image Credit: Boise OG

Night Moves Art Institute

This story is for 18+ old readers with a good sense of humor. If you’re involved in the nighttime club scene, you may be familiar with the Boise strip club, Satin Dolls. Before it was renamed, Boise knew it as Night Moves, a name in honor of the popular song by Bob Seger.

Even back in those days, the Boise law was that clubs that serve alcohol could not show full-frontal nudity and vice versa. And full nudity of any kind is strictly prohibited. But this didn’t stop ownership from finding a semi-ingenious loophole around the law.

To allow their dancers to go fully nude, they gave patrons sketchbooks and art supplies. The club was now a place where guests could practice “life-drawings” of the dancers/models, allowing them to perform completely nude.

Boise OG had to pay tribute to this amusing bit of Boise history with a business logo for the endeavor. Kelly remarked it was probably an upgrade from what he imagined was a frequent amount of drawings of stick figures holding basketballs, and pays homage to the crafty spirit of Boise business owners.

Local Merch by Boise OG | 2021 Totally Boise Winter Mag Recommends
Image Credit: Boise OG

There are more delightfully farcical designs being released weekly from the team at Boise OG. They aim to release a new one every week, and they hope to capture the nostalgia of what has happened in Boise. But also commiserate in that history with both Idaho natives and new residents.

Read more about who Kelly and Heidi, the creators of Boise OG are at our previous blog:

Boise OG Will Test Your Local Knowledge With Unique Wearable Swag

Local Merch by Boise OG | 2021 Totally Boise Winter Mag Recommends
Local Merch by Boise OG | 2021 Totally Boise Winter Mag Recommends
Local Merch by Boise OG | 2021 Totally Boise Winter Mag Recommends
Image Credit: Boise OG

Find them at:


Instagram: @boise_og

Facebook: @boiseog




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