Totally Boise Blog


Table Rock Gate to Be Relocated and Top Parking Lot Permanently Closed to the Public

Last updated August 06, 2021 by Mariah Hebbeln

Table Rock is a Boise gem. The scenic flat plateau has been a landmark in the valley since the Junior Chamber of Commerce built it in 1956. For many Idaho residents and tourists, getting to the top of the mesa overlooking the town of Boise is a requisite summer adventure. After many years of vandalism, criminal activity, and even a large grassfire set off by fireworks, agencies and residents joined forces to make a change to help better preserve the area and increase safety.

This week, The Boise City Council, Ada County Highway District, and area residents voted to relocate the access gate from it’s current location - roughly halfway up the gravel road to Table Rock - to further down the hill at the intersection of Wild Horse Ln. and Table Rock Rd. In years past, while the, many after-hours visitors created an illegal parking lot near the gates location. As the scenic lookout road has been closed for the last year, this illegal parking lot has led the employees from the Gerhard Borbonus Landscaping Inc. - located on the backside of Table Rock - to deal with roadway obstructions while leaving their facility. 

With the closure of the Table Rock parking lot, and the gate being located further away from the top, at the moment, the spot is only accessible via hiking or biking up one of the various Ridge to Rivers trails and the unpaved section of Table Rock Rd.

How to hike Table Rock:

What to Know About the Table Rock Hike

At the moment, there is not a stated plan on how to assure equal access to Table Rock for those who are disabled. A representative from Ada County Highway Department shared that solving this issue was on the minds of several groups, and reassured us that a plan will be developed by the Idaho Historical Society.

For more information about the Boise landmark, Table Rock, we will continue to report the facts every Friday.

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