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unBound Tech Library Offers the Meridian Community Access to The Latest Technology

Last updated August 03, 2021 by Mariah Hebbeln

As the world rapidly advances and new forms of the greatest technology are released every year, it can be a financial obstacle to keep up. In our modern era, businesses, artists, or even hobbyists now have to use the highest forms of technology to stay competitive and continue to grow their brands or platform. Thankfully, the Meridian Library has developed a space where the community can come use the technology or tools they need without shelling out the large overhead cost. 

UnBound, in the Library District of Downtown Meridian has everything makers of any age could need. Once a dairy production warehouse, the building was renovated with an updated, sleek, and inviting design that opened in 2021. The two-story building on Cherry Lane has a variety of creative and collaborative spaces and friendly staff with buckets of knowledge. 

Tools and Machinery at unBound

  • Ultimaker 3D printer
  • Ultimaker S5 3D printer
  • Nomad 883 CNC Machine
  • Cricut Maker Craft Cutting Machine
  • Muse Laser Cutter/Engraver
  • FormLabs Resin 3D printer
  • Mayku FormBox Vacuum Former
unBound Tech Library Offers the Meridian Community Access to The Latest Technology

Photo Credit: unBound Tech Library

Spaces at unBound

  • Connect lounge - At the front of the building, this open space has seating for either yourself or a small group to gather. 
  • CREATE corner - Use the tools and machinery available, this very open space is where you can either be trained on how to use those tools or have a design consultation with a member of the staff
  • Design Lab - This space is perfect for digital creators, where you will have access to the top-of-the-line iMac computers with full Adobe Creative Cloud and Logic Pro, the large format printer and laminator, and digitization equipment. 
  • MEET conference room - The reservable conference room is great for meetings or study sessions that require solitude. A group of five people can use the whiteboard and smart screen. 
  • RECORD - The perfect spot to record your next podcast or voice-over, the space features sound-dampening walls, IMac, and software like LogicPro, Audacity, and Garage Band for instant audio editing, RODEcaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Console, studio-quality headphones, and MIDI Keyboard.
  • SHARE space - Another reservable space with a more informal setting can allow five people to gather, use the smart display and small kitchen space. 
  • WORK shop - In this large open space with several 8 person tables, you can work or gather freely.
unBound Tech Library Offers the Meridian Community Access to The Latest Technology

Photo Credit: unBound Tech Library

unBound Tech Library Offers the Meridian Community Access to The Latest Technology

Photo Credit: unBound Tech Library

Services Available At unBound

  • 3D Printing
  • Business Coaching
  • Tech Training
  • Library of reading materials relating to equipment and services
  • Engraving with the Muse Hobby Laser machine
  • Print, Copy, or Fax
  • High-Resolution Printer for prints up to 36” x 50”
  • Laminate larger prints up to 40”
  • Attend a class!

With all of the services, resources, and knowledge available at the unBound business and technology branch of the Meridian Library, anyone looking for the tolls to start a small business, service, can find what they need to get started. Stop by any time or make a reservation at the link below!

Meridian Library unBound




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