Dad, Papa, Pops, whatever you call them, those fatherly figures in our life earned to be celebrated. Father’s day falls on Sunday, June 20th this year with wonderful weather predicted for the weekend. We have taken on researching all the best ways to celebrate this holiday.
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The historic Boise trolley found its way to its new home at Sockeye Brewing on Sunday May 23rd. Built in 1883, the Boise trolley has come a long way; being modernized and renovated in 1916, 1924, and then retired in 1933. Over the years the trolley has had numerous owners and transformations before Sockeye Brewing owner, Fred Schuerman purchased it.Prior to Schuerman's ownership, some may remember the railcar being set on fire from an arson when it was known as The Silver Car bar.Schuer...
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Local Treasure Valley Real Estate Developer, Karl Pedersen, is breaking ground on Idaho’s first Boise Angels Home. Monday, May 24th, Karl Pedersen and his excavation team are breaking ground on a home dedicated to the local nonprofit, Boise Angels. Located at Legacy Lot 41, 6953 Biathlon St, Eagle ID, at 10:15 AM the team will break ground on the charity project.
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Live music is slowly making its way back to Boise, and what better way than with one of the last mainstream artists to play before the shutdown. Celtic Rock band, The Young Dubliners will be playing at Revolution Concert House Friday, May 21.Eager to get back to touring, singer and guitarist Keith Roberts talks about The Young Dubliners' love and appreciation for Boise."Ya know it's funny, Boise is probably one of the cities we know exactly where we want to go when we visit," s...
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After a year of the coronavirus takeover, we've seen an economic downturn and shift in the life we previously experienced in downtown Boise.In efforts to revitalize downtown Boise and help struggling restaurants and musicians, a business coalition has been formed. The Boise Revival Project intends to restore life downtown inviting friends and neighbors to enjoy live music at some of our favorite venues and businesses.Paralleling to the Roaring 20's, Boise Revival Project is on a mission ...
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On May 14th, Mayor Lauren McLean announced in a video posted on YouTube that the city of Boise’s mask mandate requiring the public to wear masks both indoors and outdoors has been officially lifted. McLean said in the emailed statement: "It is incredible to know that getting a free, readily available vaccine is all that stands between most Boise residents and a post-Covid world”.
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The fundraising team, The Nowhere Men, is set to present the "Heartstrings" virtual benefit concert for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Friday, May 28, 2021. Fighting the fight against cancer, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society aims to cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease, and myeloma — but they can't do it alone.Heartstrings are bringing nine musicians together for the free virtual concert, including Boise's MYLO BYBEE. A trio band consists of two brothers and...
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New to Boise, Girl Powerful is a nonprofit organization on a mission to ensure all girls feel seen, valued and heard when they need it most. With a focus on providing a safe space for girls, Girl Powerful hosts enrichment courses led by the original Girl Powerful Journal based on socio-emotional learning (SEL).What is the Self-Love Workshop?The self-love workshop will focus on learning the importance of self-love while practicing self-love exercises. Sonya and Tedi, the sisters and brains behind...
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COVID-19 put a tremendous hardship on the service industry, thousands of service industry workers were either out of jobs or unable to make ends meet at what restaurants and bars remained open for to-go's and pickups. With cases seemingly dropping as of May 10, 2021, restaurants are slowly beginning to pick back up, however, finding workers has now become an issue.Many businesses have picked back up, they are still running slower than usual or significantly short-staffed due to the pand...
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Meet Girl Powerful. New to town, non-profit founders and sisters Tedi and Sonya Serge are on a mission to give female youth the tools to build a strong sense of self. These vibrant personalities utilize their previous education and experiences to ensure all girls feel seen, valued and heard. The Girl Powerful philosophy and mental health curriculum is based on socio-emotional learning (SEL) and is taught by these sisters skilled in understanding, connecting, and embracing.Meet the faces behind G...
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If Memorial Day has taught us one thing, it's to enjoy the time we have and to not waste it. Memorial Weekend is a time to reflect and appreciate those who have lost their lives fighting for our country. Idaho residents are all about having an active lifestyle and supporting the local economy. Whether you are spending time in town or out of town for Memorial Day, here are five fun ways to spend Memorial weekend.1. CampingIdahoans love their camping and Memorial weekend seems like the perfect...
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Gluten-free is probably one of the hardest diet restrictions out there. Gluten is in everything — spices, sauces, soups, salads, you name it, I guarantee gluten is hiding in it. This year, I went through a wave of potential health issues. I was recently diagnosed celiac, went on a completely gluten-free diet for months, then discovered I was in fact not celiac, but rather gluten intolerant.During those months, I made it my mission to find the best options around the Treasure Valley, when i...
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Totally Boise loves exploring the Treasure Valley, but one of our favorite explorations is finding new cultivating and delicious food spots. Over the past year, the Boise food scene has been expanding like we've never seen before. Now that Spring is in full bloom, check out these three food stops new to the Treasure Valley.Mala LunaA collective of Latin and Indigenious recipes, Mala Luna fits perfect into the hub of downtown Boise. General Manager, Chessa Hentrup, told Totally Boise that the...
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The pandemic has been a stressor on many families, businesses, and even nonprofit organizations. Recognizing the increased need for support, local nonprofit center Idaho Gives is extending its week-long efforts from April 29th to May 6th.Idaho Gives Highlights Local Nonprofit OrganizationsIdaho Gives is a resource for all Idaho nonprofits, an easy way to search and support local nonprofits of your choice. During Idaho Gives Week, the platform encourages donations to organizations and hosts prize...
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The average American produces around 2,072 pounds of trash per year — that's almost the weight of a compact car. In an effort to reduce waste, The City of Meridian and Republic Services will host its Trash or Treasure event May 1-2nd.
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