Josh Cormier - Weichert Realtors
Josh Cormier isn’t your typical Boise realtor; his upbeat and fun personality makes house hunting fun. While a lot of work is involved in finding clients the perfect home, Cormier believes in making clients feel like the work is seamless and easy, because after all, finding the perfect home should be a memorable experience. Josh Cormier is the owner of Idaho’s newest real estate franchise, Weichert REALTORS. Cormier decided to link with the Weichert REALTORS franchise, becoming their first Idaho real estate agency. Weichert REALTORS believes in thinking locally and quality care when it comes to finding the right realtor for you. Cormier is excited to start adding real estate agents to his team of professionals. Growing up in Boise, Cormier is familiar with several Treasure Valley areas, providing valuable information to clients. Using his informed perspective and knowledge of the Treasure Valley, Josh Cormier specializes in different real estate types. Cormier loves to be challenged and enjoys assisting homebuyers seeking a wide variety of homes.