Totally Boise Blog


Social Distancing PiKINic in the Heart of Downtown Boise with KIN

Last updated July 01, 2020 by Totally Boise

KIN has yet to open its doors, but they are still finding innovative ways to make the best of the current pandemic. Utilizing the outdoor space that was once home to the Idaho Shakespeare Festival, KIN is creating a fun way of being able to enjoy dinner and a show, at a safe distance of course.

Mark Runsvold, General Manager of KIN talks about how the idea of hosting a picnic came to be. As the COVID-19 pandemic has continued to keep many businesses closed, their idea that was seemingly low on the priority list, quickly jumped to #1.

“A lot of it was driven by necessity,” said Runsvold.

Reaching out to LED Boise studio, they were able to create a safe, socially distanced dinner and show experience by utilizing the community space outside of KIN. While previously in stage four, KIN was selling 70 tickets however, in wake of the setback to stage three they went to a 50 person capacity.

“We want to be good community members,” said Runsvold.

By allowing a limited number of people through purchasing tickets online, it allows KIN to set up their hillside seating spaciously for guests to ensure a zero contact experience. KIN also has a preset menu of picnic food items (although KIN does work with dietary restrictions) and all food is laid out before arrivals. The best part is drinks are also allowed during the show through Ampersand via text message.

Tickets are sold online for $100 per person. Included with each ticket purchase are the food, show, and one alcoholic beverage. Runsvold also mentions that KIN is brainstorming lower priced events for the future.

With no set dates for in house dining, KIN has continued to add more piKINic dates online with various artists.

This event is 21+

Check for dates and tickets at




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